October Spotlight: Zinnias
Ellie Jones
On the blog this month, we have another guest writer. Please welcome one half of The Wild Zinnia, Debs. The Wild Zinnia is a Bristol flower farm and they’ve grown loads of the produce that’s been used in weekly creations at Bouquets for Days this year. Given their namesake, it felt only right that we asked them to wax lyrical about October’s Spotlight flower, the magnificent Zinnia. Take it away Debs…
“Zinnias stole my heart from the first moment they flowered in my cutting garden. Flowers within a flower, zingy sweetshop colours and a ‘Wiggle’ test before you pick them; what’s not to like?
Ranging from bright colours, buttery blends, crested centres to magical shades of terracotta and antique rose; the range is endless. Once I started, I was hooked; but they aren’t for the faint hearted!
Half-hardy annuals only happy in the driest and hottest of UK Summers. Growing them outside is risky. They sulk in damp summers, a hot, dry August is their moment of glory.
Repeat flowering on long stems; fading gracefully in the vase after 3 weeks, they’re a great addition to any cutting garden.
A wiggle test is essential, placing two fingers either side of the top of the flower wiggle the flower head, if it stays upright, it’s ready to cut. If is sways from side to side it needs a bit more sunshine, cut too soon the bloom will flop in a vase.
Zinnias are best bought from your local flower farm; with a hollow stem behind the flower head, they don’t travel well. They’re divas drawing the eye in any arrangement, once you recognise this unusual beauty I guarantee you’ll be as smitten as I am!
Each year I’m jealous of the American flower farmers as they have access to far more varieties than we have, so we’re busy hand-pollinating our own favourites; and saving seed from every rogue that appears from a standard packet. So, find your local flower farmer and follow them to see what new and unusual varieties they’ve got in store for you next year.”
If you’re thinking about flowers for an October wedding or event and you would like to discuss seasonal availability then get in touch and keep an eye on the Bouquets for Days Instagram for more seasonal ingredients making an appearance throughout the month.